Types of man­da­tes

Our in­vest­ment ser­vices are based on keeping the safe custody of se­cu­ri­ties se­pa­ra­te from asset ma­nage­ment. All se­cu­ri­ties are de­po­si­ted in the client’s name at a cu­s­to­di­an bank of his/her choice. Palomar Asset Ma­nage­ment enjoys long-stan­ding co­ope­ra­ti­on ar­ran­ge­ments with a small number of ca­re­ful­ly selec­ted banks, thus making it pos­si­ble to keep down ad­mi­ni­stra­ti­ve costs.

Asset Management Mandate

The client ent­rusts Palomar Asset Ma­nage­ment with the ma­nage­ment of his/her assets within pre­de­fi­ned in­vest­ment prin­ci­ples. The assets are kept in safe custody at the chosen bank. Upon request, the client may receive elec­tro­nic access to his/her port­fo­lio. The Asset Ma­nage­ment Mandate is re­stric­ted such that Palomar Asset Ma­nage­ment may not move assets on its own aut­ho­ri­ty. The mandate may be can­cel­led uni­la­te­r­al­ly at any time.

Investment Advisory Mandate

The client ent­rusts Palomar Asset Ma­nage­ment with an ad­vi­so­ry mandate, thereby main­tai­ning the power of de­ci­si­on on all in­vest­ments.

The cli­en­t's assets are kept in safe custody at the chosen bank. Upon request, the client may receive elec­tro­nic access to his/her port­fo­lio. With the In­vest­ment Ad­vi­so­ry Mandate, in­vest­ment prin­ci­ples are defined and the nature of the in­vest­ments is de­ter­mi­ned to­ge­ther with time pa­ra­me­ters. In ad­di­ti­on, notice will be given of due dates and se­cu­ri­ties-ad­mi­ni­stra­ti­on tran­sac­tions (op­tio­nal di­vi­dends, etc.). The client is kept in­for­med by Palomar Asset Ma­nage­ment re­gar­ding current market de­ve­lop­ments.

Special mandates

Special man­da­tes cover, amongst other things, su­per­vi­si­on and checking of ex­ter­nal­ly managed ac­counts/safe de­po­sits, port­fo­lio ana­ly­sis and struc­tu­re, and manager selec­tion.

Contractual regulation
