FIDLEG Client Information
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FIDLEG client in­for­ma­ti­on

Based on the legal re­qui­re­ments of Art. 8 et seq. of the Fi­nan­ci­al Ser­vices Act (FIDLEG), the fol­lo­wing pro­vi­des an over­view of Palomar Asset Ma­nage­ment AG (her­einaf­ter the "Fi­nan­ci­al In­sti­tu­ti­on") and its ser­vices.

In­for­ma­ti­on on the Fi­nan­ci­al In­sti­tu­ti­on


Lim­mat­quai 72
8001 Zurich
Phone: +41 44 269 80 00
E-mail: contact@pa­lo­marl­

The fi­nan­ci­al in­sti­tu­ti­on was esta­blis­hed in No­vem­ber 2006.

Su­per­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty and audit company

Palomar Asset Ma­nage­ment is aut­ho­ri­zed by FINMA (Swiss Fi­nan­ci­al Market Su­per­vi­so­ry Aut­ho­ri­ty), pur­suant to Art. 17 FINIG, to provide asset ma­nage­ment ser­vices and is su­per­vi­sed by AOOS (Schwei­ze­ri­sche Ak­ti­en­ge­sell­schaft für Auf­sicht).

The fi­nan­ci­al in­sti­tu­ti­on is audited and re­view­ed by the audit firm Grant Thorn­ton AG, Zurich, for both re­gu­la­to­ry and com­pli­an­ce pur­po­ses. The address of AOOS and Grant Thorn­ton AG, Zurich, can be found below.

AOOS - Schwei­ze­ri­sche Ak­ti­en­ge­sell­schaft für Auf­sicht

Clau­si­us­stras­se 50
8006 Zürich
Telefon: +41 44 215 98 98

Audit firm:

Grand Thorn­ton AG

Cla­ri­den­stras­se 35
8002 Zurich
Phone: +41 43 960 71 71
E-Mail: mar­ke­
Home­page: www.grantt­horn­

Om­buds­man's Office

The fi­nan­ci­al in­sti­tu­ti­on is affi­lia­ted with the in­de­pen­dent om­buds­man's office OFS, which is re­co­gni­zed by the Federal De­part­ment of Finance. Dis­pu­tes con­cerning legal claims between cust­o­m­ers and the fi­nan­ci­al in­sti­tu­ti­on shall be settled by the om­buds­man's office as far as pos­si­ble within the frame­work of a me­dia­ti­on pro­ce­du­re. The address of the OFS can be found below.


16 Bou­le­vard des Tran­chées
1206 Geneva
Phone: +41 22 808 04 51
E-Mail: contact@om­bud­fi­nan­

In­for­ma­ti­on on the fi­nan­ci­al ser­vices offered

The fi­nan­ci­al in­sti­tu­ti­on pro­vi­des asset ma­nage­ment ser­vices and tran­sac­tion-based in­vest­ment ad­vi­so­ry ser­vices to its clients. In the case of a tran­sac­tion-based in­vest­ment ad­vi­so­ry mandate with the fi­nan­ci­al in­sti­tu­ti­on, a per­so­nal re­com­men­da­ti­on re­la­ting to in­di­vi­du­al fi­nan­ci­al in­stru­ments is pro­vi­ded to the clients. The de­ci­si­on to buy or sell always ul­ti­mate­ly remains with the client.

The fi­nan­ci­al in­sti­tu­ti­on gua­ran­tees neither a return nor a success within the scope of the in­vest­ment ac­tivi­ty. The in­vest­ment ac­tivi­ty can the­re­fo­re lead to an in­crea­se in value, but also to a loss in value.

Client seg­men­ta­ti­on

Fi­nan­ci­al service pro­vi­ders must assign their cust­o­m­ers to a cust­o­mer segment defined by law. The Fi­nan­ci­al Ser­vices Act pro­vi­des for the seg­ments "private cust­o­m­ers", "pro­fes­sio­nal cust­o­m­ers" and "in­sti­tu­tio­nal cust­o­m­ers". A cust­o­mer clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on is de­ter­mi­ned for each cust­o­mer as part of the co­ope­ra­ti­on with the fi­nan­ci­al in­sti­tu­ti­on. Subject to com­pli­an­ce with certain con­di­ti­ons, the cust­o­mer can change the cust­o­mer clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on by so-called opting-in or opting-out.

In­for­ma­ti­on onrisks and costs

General risks in trading with fi­nan­ci­al in­stru­ments

The tran­sac­tion-related in­vest­ment ad­vi­so­ry and asset ma­nage­ment ser­vices involve fi­nan­ci­al risks. The fi­nan­ci­al in­sti­tu­ti­on shall hand out the bro­chu­re "Risks in Trading with Fi­nan­ci­al In­stru­ments" to all cust­o­m­ers prior to con­clu­si­on of the con­tract. This can also be viewed at­ban­

In case of any and further questi­ons, the clients of the fi­nan­ci­al in­sti­tu­ti­on may contact their client advisor at any time.

Risks in con­nec­tion with the service offered

For a pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the various risks that may arise from the in­vest­ment stra­te­gy for the cli­en­t's assets, please refer to the re­le­vant tran­sac­tion-related in­vest­ment ad­vi­so­ry or asset ma­nage­ment agree­ments.

In­for­ma­ti­on on costs

A fee is charged for the ser­vices ren­de­red, which is nor­mal­ly cal­cu­la­ted on the assets under ma­nage­ment and/or on a per­for­mance basis. For more de­tai­led in­for­ma­ti­on, please refer to the re­le­vant tran­sac­tion-related in­vest­ment ad­vi­so­ry or asset ma­nage­ment agree­ments.

In­for­ma­ti­on about ties to third parties

In con­nec­tion with the fi­nan­ci­al ser­vices offered by the fi­nan­ci­al in­sti­tu­ti­on, eco­no­mic ties may exist with third parties. The ac­cep­tan­ce of pay­ments from third parties and their tre­at­ment are re­gu­la­ted in detail and com­pre­hen­si­ve­ly in the re­spec­tive tran­sac­tion-related in­vest­ment ad­vi­so­ry or asset ma­nage­ment agree­ments.

In­for­ma­ti­on on the market offer con­side­red

The fi­nan­ci­al in­sti­tu­ti­on ba­si­cal­ly follows an "open uni­ver­se ap­proach" and tries to make the best pos­si­ble choice for the cust­o­mer when selec­ting fi­nan­ci­al in­stru­ments.